Thursday, February 23, 2012

PJs and Hats for the playground!

Today, Fatima Academy's student council held a PJ/Hat Day in aid of the playground. For a small donation, the students were permitted to wear hats and pajamas to school. A BIG THANKS to the students who organized the event and for those who made donations!!!!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Penny for Your Thoughts!!!!!!

Our primary and elementary students are holding a penny drive to raise funds for our new playground. Their goal is to fill a water cooler container with change. We will be having a money rolling party in the coming weeks! Please help our students reach their goal.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

And The Big Winner Is.....

The Fatima Academy playground committee and the children of the Cape Shore would like to extend a huge Thank You to anyone who supported our recent Playground Ticket Sweep.
The winners are:
First Prize: Jim Hex (Ticket number 1459)
Second Prize: Shelly Adams (Ticket number 1460)
Third Prize: Dale Conway (Ticket number 1475)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dot-Macracy A Success!!!!!!!!!

Today (February 7, 2012), all of the students at Fatima Academy and younger children of the Cape Shore were given the opportunity to select pieces of the playground of their dreams. The children were each given four dots to place on their favorite pieces of equipment. They drew pictures of their perfect playground and created colorful handprints stating the things they were thankful for in their lives! The pictures will be used to thank corporate donors and the handprints will be used to form the ribbon for our opening ceremony on June 1, 2012. We would like to thank the children, community members and parents who helped out and attended this event!